超越Sherlock Holmes:亚瑟柯南Doyle在Strand中的超自然故事


“随着时间的推移,我的神经变得更加磨损和破碎'(RF 1144)

苏格兰作者亚瑟·柯南多伊尔通过他的Sherlock Holmes Stories成为一个家喻户晓的名字杂志在十九世纪末和二十世纪初。偏心调查员非常受欢迎,影响来自20世纪20年代和20世纪30年代的流派的“黄金时代”的大量侦探小说作家到现在。福尔摩斯的形象也持续到二十一世纪,经常在各种不同的电视和薄膜适应中获得新的寿命。

柯南Doyle最着名的文学创作是一种理性主义者,通过他的精明观察权力来解决犯罪。The world in which he lives is an explicable one which accords with Holmes’s adage of ‘when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.’ Even crimes which seem to be caused by uncanny forces are revealed to have more prosaic explanations. But while the Holmes tales eschew the otherworldly, Conan Doyle himself was an advocate of Spiritualism and published various stories in which supernatural forces run rife. Some of these are available to view in一个星期性坐在格拉斯哥大学图书馆的特殊收藏品。


“我告诉他所有发生的一切”(rf 1144)

‘The Brown Hand’ (1899) is narrated by a gentleman, Dr Hardacre, in order to explain why his deceased uncle, Sir Dominick Holden, made him his heir, eschewing the line of succession and transforming Hardacre ‘in an hour from a hard-working and impecunious medical man to a well-to-do landed proprietor.’ Hardacre recounts how Sir Dominick, a famous and childless surgeon who made his name in India, summoned him to his country residence after returning to England with broken health. Here, Sir Dominick interrogates his nephew at length, after which he concludes that Hardacre is ‘the very man’ he has wanted to meet. (So far, so Sherlockian: the distressed individual with a mysterious problem to be solved appears frequently in the Holmes canon.) Sir Dominick worries that he will unduly influence his friend if he explains the circumstances of his dilemma, and so invites him to spend a night in his laboratory, alongside a shelf of ‘pathological and anatomical specimens’. Holden explains that these are the last vestiges of a ‘most excellent collection,’ the majority of which was lost in a fire in 1892.


“他的眼睛被向上投射到瓶子里”(RF 1144)

Later that night, Hardacre’s rest is disturbed by the figure of ‘a man, short and squat, dressed in some sort of dark grey gown’ and with a face ‘chocolate-brown in colour, and with a ball of black hair like a woman’s at the back of his head.’ This mysterious figure examines all the jars of biological specimens in the laboratory, after which he throws up his arms in a gesture of despair. Hardacre notices that the man is missing a hand. He confesses that he might have mistaken the man for an Indian servant of his uncle’s, but his sudden disappearance convinces him that the man is a spectre.

第二天早上,爵士解释了这场幽灵每天晚上扰乱他,寻找失落的手。在国外时,迪奥尼克爵士对该男子造成了伤害,这需要对该附属的截肢,之后医生要求将其保留为代替费用。His patient had demurred, explaining that ‘according to his religion it was an all important matter that the body should be reunited after death, and so make a perfect dwelling for the spirit.’ Sir Dominick convinced the man that he had more sophisticated means of preserving the hand. The patient therefore agreed to relinquish it, warning the doctor that: ‘I shall want it back when I am dead.’ Since the hand is one of the specimens that was lost in the fire, Sir Dominick has no means of assuaging the restless spirit’s desire. Hardacre’s eventual solution is ingenious, but somewhat morally dubious, particularly in a postcolonial context. It is intriguing to note how ‘The Brown Hand’ uses several elements that recur in the Holmes stories and recasts them in radically different ways.


“有很大的力量,”法国人(RF 1145)说

一年后发表的“玩火”(1900)是一种令人不安的故事,详细说明了患者的后果。一群人聚集在此目的,包括商人,艺术家,女性媒体,男性神秘和叙述者。The narrator confesses that he is a ‘dilettante man about town, … thankful for any new sensation which would … open up fresh possibilities of existence.’ Although he is not an enthusiastic supporter of Spiritualism like some of the others, he admits that the atmosphere made him feel ‘as if we had a private pass-key through the door of death’ and ‘filled [him] with a great contentment.’ This satisfaction is, however, short-lived. Soon afterwards, he confesses that ‘a sense of fear and cold struck into my heart’ at the thought of how ‘lightly and flippantly’ they had approached ‘the most real and august of sacraments, communication with the dead.’ The mystic’s insistence that ‘thoughts are things’ and that ‘when you imagine a thing, you make a thing’ proves central to the story’s denouement. The artist – who had been working on a painting of a mythical creature just prior to the seance – eventually comes to regret his choice …


覆盖其中一个选集(RF 1146)


Arthur Conan Doyle,'棕色手'(5月1899),在Strand Magazine,1899年1899年6月(RF 1144),499-508。

Arthur Conan Doyle,'玩火'(1900年3月),在Strand杂志,(RF 1145),243-251。














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